Theoretical Framework

L/O: To apply the theoretical framework media texts.

What is the Theoretical Framework?

Four major concepts, or ideas, which form the basis of the subject content:

  • Media Language 
  • Media Institutions 
  • Media Audiences
  • Media Representative

Media Language 

This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the messages conveyed. It includes:

  • Camerawork (Cinematography)
  • Soundtrack
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Editing 


Includes ALL sounds heard in a film/TV:

  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Dialogue
  • Voiceover



includes everything that can be seen in a frame:
  • Costume
  • Props
  • Setting
  • Hair and Make up
  • Lighting
  • Actor positioning 
  • Body language and facial expression 

Includes all the POST PRODUCTION work on a moving image:
  • Transitions
  • Pace and speed of cuts 
  • CGI
  • Green screening 
Group 4 (Mise-en-scene):
  • The joker wears a lot of makeup 
  • Certain stages there is natural lighting from outside 
  • Joker wears multi-coloured clothes
  • At the very ending there is stage lighting 
  • Green, greasy hair
  • Takes place in the city
  • Always has a perky smile or a sinister frown
Camerawork has been used effectively throughout the trailer but it has stuck out a lot during certain parts throughout the trailer such as they use close-ups of his face to show his emotions and feelings such as anger, distraught, sadness and more. Also, he has really green and greasy hair and wears a lot of makeup and the greasy hair shows us that he may nit shower much.

Wrinkles the clown is a film about a clown that takes requests from other people to scare people of the callers choice. In the trailer, the soundtrack is quiet intense because the music gets louder when something is about to happen and it stops for an unexpected jump scare. Also, the soundtrack uses police calls to show that their has been cases of the clown (Wrinkles) being at peoples houses and scaring people. Furthermore, they use screams to show people are scared and they use news reporters to talk about the situation with the clown. Also, the camerawork has been used to show a person's view and not as if there is a camera used in your everyday film but they used people's phones used to record the clown outside their house or walking in the streets. For the editing, they didn't use much editing because most of the trailer was showing people record the clown with a cheap camera on a phone or recording themselves calling the clown for a laugh and a joke. Finally, the mise-en-scene that was used in the trailer was shown quite a bit. In the trailer, Wrinkles would wear a mask that showed a lifeless frown and he also wore big, colourful shirt and trousers and would carry balloons and sometimes would be found pushing a trolly. 


L/O: To understand the concept of ownership and regulation.

Definition: Who makes what an for whom. The owners, companies and people that produce, distrubute and govern media.

Disney are the owners of Marvel (Movie Franchise), Star Wars (Lucasfilm), ABC Studios (TV Studio)

Who Owns The Media?

The media isn't owned by one familiar face but the media is owned by more than one such as Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey.

Audience                               Thursday 26th September

L/O: To identify how a media text targets a specific audience.

Mass Audience

Very broad range of people.

Niche Audience

Smaller but more specific audience.

I chose this advert aimed at teens because teens tend to smoke quite a lot but it is also aimed at other audiences such as adults who may also smoke.

I have chose this because woman are obsessed with this film but I'm not sure why (I have never seen this personally). But, it is a very successful film which went on to have a successful sequel.

I have chosen this to be aimed at teen boys because Fifa is a popular franchise and some people always get the new Fifa games to play with the new game modes, new people and new opportunities.


L/O: To explore the idea of representation in the Media.

Representation is people making other people believe something that isn't real/true.

The majority of things in the Media are fake and edited to make you want to buy/watch or do something that gives the business money or credit.

We can look at different areas of representations:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • Nationality
  • Disability
  • Class 
  • Race

Representation            Monday 30th September


In this photo, you can tell these are heroes in a fight by looking in the background and seeing they are in a fighting stance. Also, they are wearing their superhero suits and the female (superwoman) is the individual but is also taking the lead and taking the captains role. Batman on the right is holding a gun and is looking at whatever is infant of him and Superman is on the left standing in a ready position also looking at whatever is infant of him.

L/O: To identify and apply the theoretical framework to a trailer.

Gemini Man

Gemini Man is a film about a younger version of Henry Brogan (Will Smith) who is an elite agent who comes to the future to kill an anonymous person who knows his every move but the clone coming to the future finds out that the anonymous person is the older version of himself. In the trailer, they fit on dirt bikes, in a skull cave, they fight either side of a car and in a random, eery cave type of thing.

Also in the trailer, there is a voiceover at times of the older Henry Brogan talking about the younger clone of himself and at other times we can hear the younger cone talking to somebody about something. Furthermore, the target audience for this film is for 12+ so it may be aimed at people who enjoy action, fighting, adventure and Sci-Fi. Also, the older version doesn't want to kill the younger version of himself for a reason i don't know.


  1. Good start.
    WWW - you've identified elements of Media Language used
    DIRT - Chose a specific element and explain WHY it was used (Pathetic fallacy isn't Media Language, it's something that is created by Media Language)

  2. Good DIRT work.

    Representation - good notes, try including stereotypes too.

    Trailer analysis:
    WWW - you've identified some elements correctly
    DIRT - try not to explain the narrative (storyline). Focus on the effects of specific elements (camerawork, MES, representation etc.)


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