BBC Young Reporter

L/O: To explore the concept and format of news.

What is the purpose of news?
- Money
-Spread awareness

Common types of news:
-Sports (scores, transfers, match news etc)
-Breaking news (Coronavirus, deaths, terror attacks etc)
-Technology evolution (robots, new tech, improved phones and computers etc)
-Celebrities (problems, new shows, doing good for the public etc)

L/O: To explore the validity to news stories and their origins.

What exactly 'fake news'?
Fake news: False information used to shape your views, opinion or ideas.

5 examples of Fake News:
-Boy who is 18 claims he is 9 and talks about being suicidal is exposed by the public and sent plenty of hate after he was caught lying about being bullied.
-Man on the radio claims that he spots a UFO
-Man claims he was attacked by a ghost.
-People claim that Madeline McCann's parents killed their young daughter.
-Russia claim they are not spreading the Coronavirus

I think people write news for more views and more fame and popularity.

Man claims that he watched the statue of liberty moving on it's own.

L/O: To understand what news is and where to find it.


World pasty championship is taking place at the Eden Project on the 29th of February 2020.

L/O: To explore how to structure a story; to practice interview questions.

On the 29th of February 2020, the pasty championship took place at The Eden Project. There were many pasty events for adults, amateurs, youngsters and more. One of the winners of the pasty championship was a member of Bodmin College in Year 9 who got 1st place.

Interview questions

-What pasty did you make?
-What inspired you to make pasties?
-How does it feel to win the pasty championships?

L/O: To use the inverted pyramid to structure your story.

L/O: Use the inverted PYRAMID to structure your story.

Ben: Today’s report is on the world pasty championships which took place last month on the 29th of February 2020. We are going to discuss about the competition and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners primarily. On the 29th of February the pasty championship occurred at The Eden Project, Cornwall, South West England.

Josh: Cornish pasties originated as a portable lunch for in miners, fishermen and farmers to take to work. Housewives used to make one for each member of the household and mark their initials on one end of the pasty. The miners carried their pasties to work in a tin bucket which they heated by burning a candle underneath.

Ben: Jodie, the winner of the pasty championship, took it to the next level by making a sweet and sour chicken pasty instead of the traditional steak or cheese and onion. With that pasty, she got herself 1st place at the pasty championships.

Josh: Next years pasty championships will take place in March but the whereabouts in unknown. Back to the studio.

 Ben: Today’s report is on the world pasty championships which took place last month on the 29th of February 2020. We are going to discuss about the competition and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners primarily. On the 29th of February the pasty championship occurred at The Eden Project, Cornwall, South West England.

Josh: Cornish pasties originated as a portable lunch for in miners, fishermen and farmers to take to work. Housewives used to make one for each member of the household and mark their initials on one end of the pasty. The miners carried their pasties to work in a tin bucket which they heated by burning a candle underneath.

Ben: Jodie, the winner of the pasty championship, took it to the next level by making a sweet and sour chicken pasty instead of the traditional steak or cheese and onion. With that pasty, she got herself 1st place at the pasty championships.

Josh: Next years pasty championships will take place in March but the whereabouts in unknown. Back to the studio.

The build-up to the News Day was quite intense because we didn't know what to write about and when we found out what we wanted to write about we didn't know what to write. When we got the hang of what we was writing about we wrote the story quite quickly and we interviewed a winner of the Pasty Championship 2020. I enjoyed finding out about the history of pasties and who made them and who ate them. I least enjoyed being recorded because i wasn't scared but I was a bit nervous at first. I learned how to work the green screen and how to use the camera and how to turn it on and off. In the news process, i learned about how it feels to be interviewed and what it's like to be behind the scenes. If we had to do it differently I would probably got more involved with editing and what to add to the background.

News and Audience
L/O: To investigate how news programmes are targeted towards different audiences.

Top 5 News Reports ranked by importance
-The football euros has been postponed until 2021. 10/10
- All football has been postponed. 10/10
-People stranded on boats and may die. 10/10
-US military says RAF airstrikes may have killed civilians. 9/10
-Motorway closed due to two lorries colliding. 8/10

Radio 1 Newsbeat target audience-15 to 29 year olds 
BBC 10 O'clock News target audience-35 and above 
Spotlight target audience-16 to 


  1. Well done Josh - you and the guys did well. It would be good to see you more involved in the practical side next time.


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