NEA Coursework

 Monday 10th May


L/O: To explore possible tasks and research similar products

Create a homepage and one linked web page for a hobby website targeted at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds.

Create a two minute sequence from an original music video to accompany a music track with a serious message aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds. 

Monday 17th May 


L/O: To research codes and conventions of similar products.

Football magazine

1. What kind of articles do they include on the front page?

Possible transfers, football games, etc.

2. What is on the front cover?

Footballers, free stuff, giveaways, etc.

3. How is the colour theme chosen?

If the magazine is for a younger audience that like football, it will be bright so it gets the attention of kids because most children like bright colours. But, if it for an older audience that enjoy football they will not be bothered by brighter colours and the colour palette used may include white, black, grey (more basic colours).

4. Where is the masthead and what kind of font is used?

The font used for kids football magazines are bold and noticeable to catch the attention of children when they want to buy a magazine from the shop

5. How many images are on the front cover?

There are many images coming to around 10 of footballers and new football kits

6. How any cover lines are used?

There are about 5 cover lines used on the magazine talking about different competitions, what ios in the magazine, etc

7. What institutional information is included and where is it placed? (Bar code etc)

The bar code is/can be located on the front cover alongside the price or they can both be at the back

8. How many different fonts are used on the cover and how do they vary? (Size, style)

There are around five different fonts used across the hole front cover of the magazine

9. How are puffs used?

The use of a puff is to let people know the prize of the giveaway for example £500 voucher for GAME and has a xbox and two games alongside it.

10. How are DPS's laid out?

The use of a double page spread may be one photo that takes up two pages and uses landscape to stretch across the page.

11. How many images are used in DPS's?

Double page spreads can use from 1 to 10's of pictures

12. How many different fonts are used on the DPS and how do they vary? (Size, style)

Monday 24th May

MAGAZINE: Codes and Conventions 

13. How is the text organised in the linked pages?

      In the adults magazines, the font and words are more neat and organised well whereas the children's        magazine is less organised and uses several fonts 

1. Hobby magazine genre codes and conventions: what are they and how are they used? (look for                elements they have in common: colours, images, subject)
    Codes and conventions are what the magazine(s) talk about, show, details, etc.

2. Layout codes and conventions- how are the covers and DPS laid out?
    The way they are laid out are neat and mature for the target audience of older football fans that do          not  want to read childish and boring magazines.

3. What house style (Characteristics used to differentiate the brand from others) is established by the           use of font/colour/images/layout?

4. Production values (are they high, mid or low?)

    Production values goes up depending on how nice the front cover is because that is what draws the          customer into buying the magazine 

Monday 7th June 

Coursework Planning

-What would they think of school?

People that would read this magazine most likely enjoy PE the most an don't enjoy lessons and look forward to break and lunch to play football.

-What hobbies would they have?

Watching football, playing football and possibly other sports 

-Would they be more likely to live in urban or rural area?

Most likely rural because there is more football pitches

-What would their favourite subjects be?

PE and that is usually the only subject they enjoy doing

-What is important to them?

Football only and their friends that play football with them

-How would they use social media?

They will most likely follow their favourite players and the team and country they support

-How would their friends describe them?

A good footballer who is always playing football and always has a ball at their feet

-How would they feel about football?

They would die for football and would be lost without it and they love it so much 

-Why would your product appeal to them?

My product would appeal to them because I am like them so I can relate to them so I know what they would want out of a football magazine

-Name: Strictly Football
-Tagline: "It's football or nothing"
-Sub-genre: Sport 
-Representation: Football teams and players
-House style: Mature and neat 
-Colour palette: White and blue 
-Cover image ideas: Footballers and managers 
-Possible cover lines info. To include (barcode etc.): Price, brand name, puff
-DPS article subject: Football
-DPS image ideas: Group photos that are taken before games 
-DPS layout ideas: Photos only and no writing/articles

Monday 14th June


L/O: To create content that meets the set brief by creating meaning for an audience of 14-18 year olds.

Monday 21st June


L/O: To create content that meets the set brief by creating meaning for an audience of 14-18 year olds.

This is my double page spread on In-Design.

Thursday 24th June

Magazine Coursework 

-Name: FootballMania
-Tagline: "It's football or nothing"
-Sub-genre: Sport 
-Representation: Football teams and players
-House style: Mature and neat 
-Colour palette: White and blue 
-Cover image ideas: Footballers and managers 
-Possible cover lines info. To include (barcode etc.): Price, brand name, puff
-DPS article subject: Football
-DPS image ideas: Group photos that are taken before games 
-DPS layout ideas: Photos only and no writing/articles

-What would they think of school?

Monday 28th June


Masthead- Football Frenzy 
Front cover and DPS- 
Pinterest board-

Monday 5th July

Statement of intent 

L/O: To produce a concise and clear statement 

Monday 12th July

Music Video

L/O: To choose case studies and research initial differences.

Case 1:
1. Name of artist/group: Avril Lavigne
2. Name of song: Sk8er Boi
3. Genre: Pop-punk
4. Date the song was released in the UK: 14/12/02
5. What the song is about: skater boy, dating
6. Describe briefly what happens in the music video: A girl sings about a boy and parades on the streets on cars and at the end, the police turned up 
7. Who features in the video: Avril Lavigne 
8. What is artist presented as: 

9. How is the artist represented in the music video: She is presented as a teen who loves punk music and talks about boys

1. Name of artist/group: Wheatus 
2. Name of song: Teenage Dirtbag
3. Genre: Pop-rock 
4. Date the song was released in the UK: 20/06/2000
5. What the song is about: It is about how a guy wants a girl but he is more of a 'loser' than the girls boyfriend
6. Describe briefly what happens in the music video: We see the guy seeing the girl and the boyfriend bullying the boy who wants the girl by pushing him over, throwing food at him etc
7. Who features in the video: The cast from american pie
8. What is artist presented as:

9. How is the artist represented in the music video: He is presented almost as a narrator as he talks about what happens to the boy as a narrator would over a story

Thursday 16th September

Continuing Coursework

As part of what we need to involve in our magazine, this is just one of the images of me playing football that I will include in my magazine on a page where I talk about who I am, what I get up to in my free time, football experience etc. Other things I will include in my magazine is updates involving transfer news, rumours, and more. 

Monday 20th September

Television Industries: Ownership and Regulation

1. How many TV channels were there in 1964?
2. Name the TV channels
    BBC one, ITV, BBC two
3. List two features of TV in the 1960's
    -Colour is introduced
    -No streaming (no recording)

-Ofcom regulates TV and radio broadcasting in the UK, setting standards for programmes that broadcasters have to follow.
-Ofcom can fine broadcasters if their programmes are offensive and break community guidelines.

-The BBC has been a PSB channel since it was set up in 1922. Lord Reith outlined the PSB principles in 1925, stating that broadcasting should, "inform, educate and entertain", and that it should be free fro commercial and government pressures.
-The definition of PSB has developed since then, but the BBC's ETHOS is still based on these ideas today.

License Fee
-The BBC is funded by the annual license fee which pays for BBC TV, radio, online content and developing new programmes.

PSB Characteristics                                                           Programme                  Channel
High quality content                                                          Celebrity: SAS            Channel 4
Innovative and challenging content                                  Masterchef                   BBC One/Two
Stimulating knowledge and learning                                 Countdown                  Channel 4
Informing the public                                                          Blue Planet                  BBC One
Original, British-made                                                       Countryside                 BBC One
Reflecting the UK's cultural identity                                 Gogglebox                   Channel 4
Representing diversity and alternative viewpoints           Paralympics                  Channel 4
Distinctive Programming                   

Thursday 14th October

L/O: To explore codes and conventions to develop an article suitable for media products.

Elements of a magazine article:
-Pull quotes
-Body text

Monday 18th October

The Avengers: The Town of No Return

After watching this episode, you will have to write a summary of the following:
-The narrative (storyline)
-The characters 
-How the episode shows the social and cultural context (the mid 60's)
-Audience appeal

Beginning: Our main characters are getting on a train to a pace where they are not familiar with and move into a hotel 

Middle: They became very suspicious of the people of the town and find out that all the people that help them end up getting killed 

End: They find an underground bunker and find loads of soldiers down there and get found by the people trying to kill them such as the priest. After they are found they fight everyone and beat them and then leave the town once and for all.
-Emma Peel
-John Steed
-Little Bazeley
-Piggy Warren (landlord)
-Mysterious fisher 
-Mark Brandon
-Mr Smallwood
-Jonathan Ainsburry 

Social and cultural context: 
-Some of this would not be on TV due to the man smacking her bum 

Audience appeal:
-It may not be liked due to John Steed hitting Emma Peel's bum 

Thursday 4th November

Thursday 13th January

Coursework Review

L/O: To self audit work so far and to explore how to create effective representations.

I HAVE: Original masthead/title, 


Thursday 27th January


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