P1 Music Industry

Monday 22nd February

-Conglomerate: A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped

-Globalised: Develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.

-Diversify: Make or become more diverse or varied.

-Regulation: A rule or directive made and maintained by the authority.

-Revenue: Income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.

-Circulation: Movement to and from or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system

Who publishes what's on TV?
Future PLC

Who publishes radio times?
George Newnes Ltd.

Who publishes TV Choice?
H. Bauer Publishing 

Who publishes Take a break?
H Bauer Publishing 

Who publishes Good Housekeeping?
Hearst Magazines

Who publishes Glamour?
Conde Nast Publications

Who publishes Inside Soap?

1. Who owns Mojo magazines?

2. Who regulates Mojo magazines?

3. How are British Magazines globalised?

Monday 1st March

Music Genres

L/O: To identify and explain different music genres.

The Foo Fighters are a band who play rock music and have many well-known songs such as Everlong, The Pretender, Best of you and more.

Little Mix are a band that play pop music and popular songs such as Black Magic, Hair, Touch and more.

I do not know who the final artist is but I am assuming he makes country music because of the hat, the shirt and the jeans.

List all music genres you can think of:
-Heavy Metal
-Drum and Base

-What do the stars look like?
Quiet a common feature is that they may have several tattoos such as Metallica or may be wearing masks such as Slipknot.

-Typically, how do they sound?
They tend to be quiet loud and usually shout their lyrics.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
Some bands sing about things that could be described as supernatural or beyond our world such as hell per say.

-What do the stars look like?
People who make pop music may wear very bright and hard to not see dresses as gigs such as sparkly or a vibrant colour but when they're not performing they will usually be wearing normal clothes.

-Typically, how do they sound?
Pop music is very commonly very up-beat and very positive.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
It is usually about a person like a friend, a partner, crush or an ex boyfriend/girlfriend.

-What do the stars look like?
The stars of rap may typically be wearing tracksuits, designer clothing and accessories.

-Typically, how do they sound?
Their music is typically really fast pace and may at time rhyme as well.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
Rappers may talk about their friends, killing people and more.


Music Magazines

L/O: To explore the terminologies and genres of popular music magazines.

What genres are these magazines? How do you know?
-The first magazine is a rock and metal magazine. I can tell that the magazine is that genre because the people on the front cover are dressed up like a rockstar e.g the black jacket and the bass guitars.
-The second magazine next to the rock magazine looks to be a rap magazine. I can tell this is a rap magazine because the man on the front cover is wearing a baseball cap that goes slightly to the side which is common to see in terms of rappers style/fashion.
-The final magazine appears to be a pop magazine. I think this because on the front cover is Katy Perry who is a very well-known pop star. But if you do not know who Katy Perry is, you may get an idea if you notice the flowers which seem very innocent which could resemble to pop music.

-Typography: Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. 
-Layout: The way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.
-Lexis: The total stock of words in a language.
-Colour palette: The full range of colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface.
-Mise-En-Scene: The arraignment of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

5 pop music magazine covers:

5 rock magazine covers:

5 rap/hip-hop magazine covers:

Monday 22nd March
The Music Industry: Music Magazines

L/O: To explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation and revenue. 

-Conglomerate: a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together.
-Globalised:develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.
-Diversify:make or become more diverse or varied.
-Regulation:a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
-Revenue: income, especially when of an organisation and of a substantial nature.
-Circulation:movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.


Pop, rock, metal, rap, hip-hop, country, drill, 

-What do the stars look like?
Quiet a common feature is that they may have several tattoos such as Metallica or may be wearing masks such as Slipknot.

-Typically, how do they sound?
They tend to be quiet loud and usually shout their lyrics.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
Some bands sing about things that could be described as supernatural or beyond our world such as hell per say.

-What do the stars look like?
People who make pop music may wear very bright and hard to not see dresses as gigs such as sparkly or a vibrant colour but when they're not performing they will usually be wearing normal clothes.

-Typically, how do they sound?
Pop music is very commonly very up-beat and very positive.

-Who is the target audience?
7+ years old is usually the audience for their music but anyone can listen to it.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
It is usually about a person like a friend, a partner, crush or an ex boyfriend/girlfriend.

-What do the stars look like?
The stars of rap may typically be wearing tracksuits, designer clothing and accessories.

-Typically, how do they sound?
Their music is typically really fast pace and may at time rhyme as well.

-What ideas/themes do they sing about?
Rappers may talk about their friends, killing people and more.  

Thursday 25th March
Genre and Target Audience

Identifying the Audience 
-Media producers identify their intended (target) audience during the planning stage for a media text because it effects the shape of the text so much.
-This is why it is vital to identify a TA before you analyse a media text.
-Psychographic- personality, what they  like, hobbies etc.
-Demographic- race, gender, age, income etc.
-Personality (Psychographic)
-Age (Demographic)
-Income (Demographic)
-Preferences (Psychographic)
-Attitudes (Psychographic)
-Interests (psychographic)
-Gender (Demographic)
-Hobbies (Psychographic)
-Lifestyles (Psychographics)

This photo is linked to the definition because there is a man on the front cover that looks like he is singing loudly potentially to rock music. The quote "Want to live life LOUD!", shows that the target audience of this magazine love loud music where you can shout and let all your emotions out with singing to the music. This poster will catch people like this' attention because it's bold and the red helps making it loud which is what these types of people love. Furthermore on the front cover, the guy is very bold and catches your attention because he looks very passionate and emotional towards the music he's listening/singing to. 

This photo links to the text because this man, Chris, loves music and spends the majority of his money on it and loves to listen to good music and these two are music legends of different generations. As said in the text, Chris loves to go to gigs to see new bands and bands he loves which shows that he loves music loads because he is willing to go to new bands gigs to see if he likes the newer generations music. 

The main target audience for this genre of music is people who enjoy classical music often performed in operas and is very chilled and peaceful. The lady on the front holding the violin catches the target audiences attention because the violin is a instrument commonly used in the opera and in classical music so people will give it a look and possibly buy it. 

MOJO Magazine
-Genre= Music
-Circulation figures= 55,913 in February 2020
-Publisher= Bauer 
-Target audience= 30+
-Examples of artists featured= 
-Price (print)
-Any interesting facts

Monday 29th March
Music Magazines

1) Hammer- Heavy metal due to the clothes and the makeup 
2) Billboard- Pop due to the flowers and the pink backgrounds
3) Vibe- Rap due to the hat 

Masthead- Big Q
Main cover line- LIAM
Cover lines- ON THE ROAD WITH U2
Strapline- Angel Olsen
Date, price and issue number- On the back
Barcode- On the back (commonly found in the bottom corners)
Website- Q
Plug/Puff- Weller's 40
Pull quote- "Love and abuse. That's what i'm about".
Main image- Liam Gallagher's face
Minor image- Royal Blood

-Typography: Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. 
-Layout: The way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.
-Lexis: The total stock of words in a language.
-Colour palette: The full range of colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface.
-Mise-en-scene: The arraignment of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

Colour Palette


5 pop music magazine covers:

5 rock magazine covers:

5 rap/hip-hop magazine covers:


In the rap/hip-hop covers, the colour palette used is commonly colours that are darker such as black, dark red, grey etc but sometimes use lighter and brighter colours such as white, light red, yellow, green etc. The layout uses contains of a massive photo of someone which is common for all covers and contains the name of the person/people. The font size is commonly large and the name of the artist(s) is usually quiet big and easy to spot.

Monday 19th April 

Mojo Audience

L/O: To explore and define the magazine's target audience


-The most successful magazines during the time of intense competition from online media have been at the quality end of the market- the luxury brands- which offers their audiences a 'lean back moment' as they sink into the glamorous world of their favourite glossy magazines.

-These magazines use the advantages of the print media- high quality photography, familiar conventions, and sophisticated media language using high quality printing on glossy paper. These advantages, added to the authoritative brand image of an established magazine such as Vogue, attract advertising from big brands

-MOJO magazine has some aspects of the quality monthly, but it is only semi-glossy and uses lighter-weight paper. (Cheaper to produce) However, it retains enough quality to enable it to survive as a paid-for print product while the cheaper weekly music magazine have either closed or, like the NME, switched to free print versions. 

What's it all about?

-Our award-winning editorial team prides itself in delivering a magazine that is packed with insight, passion, and revelatory encounters with the greatest musicians of all-time, be they stablished or emerging musicians. 

-The magazine is loved by its readers and artists alike because it engages them on the subject they love the most: music itself.

-Every month MOJO brings you a definitive cover feature on an iconic act: a bespoke CD (especially compiled by the editorial team or a major musician in MOJO's world); and our famous reviews section, the Filter, which brings you 30 pages-plus of the best that month's music, both classic and contemporary.  

-MOJO is the WORLD'S LARGEST UK MUSIC MAGAZINE, delivering a monthly dose of world class journalism and iconic photography to an audience of extremely passionate music consumers. If you're featured in MOJO, you matter. 

-MOJO is the brand for those truly OBSESSED with music. 

-MOJO is THE MUSIC EXPERT- a magazine of high brand values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental. It prefers to celebrate quality over popularity- music that will stand the test of time. 

General Audiences

-Weekly magazines target an audience that is more working class than middle class: the paid-for magazines with the highest working class readership are Take A Break, What's On TV?, OK! and TV Choice- all weekly magazines.

-The quality monthly magazines tend to target a more middle class audience. The paid-for magazines with the highest middle class readership are the monthlies Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, and BBC Good Food, followed by the weekly Radio Times. 

-The most popular weekly and monthly magazines have predominantly female readerships. Magazines aimed at men have lower circulations. The most successful are Men's Health and BBC Top Gear.

CLASS: Equal share of middle class and working class readers. 
GENDER: Four times as likely to be read by men than women
AGE: About 65% are over 35, but a  higher proportion of 15-34 year olds (a smaller group) read it.


-Personal Identity: 
How might it reinforce how they feel about their identity with regards to music?
Niche Music

What kind of information could they gain?
New information about the bands they're interested in 

How could they be entertained?
Free Stuff

-Social Interaction: 
How might what they read be used with others?
They may talk about the information they have, they may talk about their enjoyment involving the band, talking about new tours coming and their dates, meeting up with people to go to the tours with, etc. 

Thursday 22nd April

Uses and Gratification Theory

L/O: To explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to its target audience

Demographic- Gender, race, age (things out of your control)
Psychographic- Hobbies, things you like/enjoy, attitudes, lifestyles (things in your control)

Reading a magazine is a more active experience than a film at the cinema because you can re-read or skip the part you don't want to read.

Personal Identity
-Music magazines often reinforce the readers' sense of being a fan of a particular genre of music or artist. 
-They offer aspirational role models- music artists- with whom their readers can identify.
-They might reinforce a readers values- either values held by a particular musical genre.

MOJO- Madonna 
If someone sees a magazine with Madonna on the front cover, it is going to get their attention and are quite likely to buy it. By many, she is seen as a role model so this is going to help sales. These magazines contain interesting stories that contain stories that involve her including how she went from a rock punk to a pop queen/majesty. 

-Music magazines offer a sense of being in contact with the world, giving information about the world of popular music. This can normally be seen through the regular features each issue. 

MOJO Contents- information
'What goes on!' is a section about new news that is popular at that time and is necessary for people who love that topic to know about. Regulars is the newest news that has a backstory that get new updates to keep you updated. 

Music magazines offer a range of entertainment pleasures such as comedy, gossip, free gifts, striking visuals and attractive stars. They can offer an escape from everyday life into a different world of stars, celebrity and music!

Entertainment- Jimi Hendrix 
The types of people that would be drawn to this magazine would be people that are interested in Jimi Hendrix's music or his life story. Also, people could be interested in the people's music that are at the top of the magazine for example Ian Dury and Bauhaus.

Social Interaction:
People can have conversations about similar interests in music e.g same favourite artists or same favourite genre of music. Also, they may meet up in person to go to a gig or a live show and meet loads of other people and join a club.

Personal Identity:
People who read this magazine will most likely be fans of Oasis and are interested to find out about this magazine. But, the readers may be fans of Liam Gallagher and may be interested in reading about Oasis because they might want to hear about what Liam use to be like when he first started music

Fans that buy this will want to hear about the life story of the two brothers while they were growing up and what their childhood consisted of. They will also be interested in what they get up to outside of music and when their gigs or when their tours are.


People who read the magazines may join a community where people make plans to meet up to go to watch Oasis or Liam Gallagher and talk about their enjoyments towards the music or similar artists they recommend to each other.

Monday 26th April

Music Magazines Cover Analysis

L/O: To analyse the cover of a magazine, linking it to genre and audience

-MOJO, is a serious 'classic rock' magazine that targets an upmarket and mature audience, reflecting the context of the economic power of the 'babyboomer' generation
-In terms of media industries, MOJO is a good example of diversification.
-A product with a clear audience address- engaging the passion of music fans who consider themselves discerning- reflected in a consistent media language house style.

-'babyboomer' generation- a person born in the years following the second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in birth rate 
-Diversification- The process of varying products 
-Audience Address- How the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them.
-Discerning- Having or showing good judgement. 
-House Style- A company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material.

Codes are signs which have the potential for different meanings and conventions are arrangements that become habitual and accepted.

Intertextuality happens when the conventions of one genre are alluded to in another, or when a specific cultural reference is made in a media text. ... Film posters or DVD covers use intertextuality when they mention other movies made by the same director.

Shot type
This shot of Dave Grohl is called a mid shot.

Star Vehicle
The star vehicle is Dave Grohl.

Colour Palette
This colour palette contains of colours that will get your attention because they are so bright and vibrant.

Bands/artists mentioned
The bands mentioned are Foo Fighters and David Gilmour.

Masthead Style 
The masthead is not in the way of Dave Grohl's face because he is a big reason why people buy the magazine.

Main cover line style
The style of the line is it is bold so people can see the main cover line clearly 

Minor cover line style
It is there so you can read it but it is not bold enough to see 

This is found near the top right of the page in a red, spiky bubble

USP (freebies)
Freebies you can get from magazines are CD's, stickers etc

Placement of Text
The text at the top of the page is behind Dave Grohl's head just so you can see him clearly so the magazines can possibly get more sales because fans of his music will like this magazine

Thursday 6th May
Cover Analysis

L/O: To analyse the cover of a magazine, linking it to genre and audience

USP (freebies):
The point of freebies on magazines such as CD's are so the buyer is more encouraged to buy the magazine especially because many fans of MOJO music collect CD's.

The use of a puff is key because this tells the reader what people think of this magazine and what they think of previous magazines from the magazine they may buy. Also, if the magazine has good reviews people will buy their magazines and will make the company more money.

Main cover image:
If the magazines (e.g MOJO) have an interesting person and name on the front like Liam Gallagher or Dave Grohl, it will gather attention because people will want to know about that person and what their upbringing was like, what they get up to in their free time, tour dates, etc.   

1) Is the layout cluttered or ordered?

2) What does the choice of layout connote?
Cluttered orders are more fun and means there are several important things on the front cover

3) Is the colour palette muted or saturated?

4) What does that choice of colour connote?
This colour palette connotes that this is a magazine for females

1) Is the text mainly serif or sans serif fonts?
The writing on the front cover in mainly a sans serif font

2) What does that choice of font connote?
This could connote that the font is meant to be bold so people can see/read it better.

3) Describe the font style of the MAIN COVER LINE. 
The font used to write the main cover line (Ed Sheeran) is fancy and posh 

4) What does that choice of font and colour connote?
It connotes that he is creative because the font is seen as creative and Ed Sheeran is creative because he writes his own music 

Monday 20th May

One difference between the two magazines is on the MOJO magazine the name of the magazine is over the front of the main persons face and on the Kerrang magazine the name of the magazine is behind the main persons head. Another main thing between the two magazines is on the MOJO magazine the name of the main person on the front cover is a lot smaller than the name of the person on the Kerrang magazine which is quite big. Another difference is the Kerrang magazine is a lot more packed with things on it such as puffs, names of people, bold writing etc but the MOJO magazine is kind of plain at parts and less loud. 

One of the differences is the use of colour palette. On the MOJO magazine, they use more light, calming and relaxing colours whereas Kerrang use more alive, dark and exhilarating colours such as purple. The dark purple could connote that it is rock because of it's darkness and the MOJO magazine could use lighter colours because the music isn't loud.

Thursday 10th June


L/O: To explore the concept of representation in music magazines.

Stereotypical assumptions of teenagers:
-Always have hoods up

Stereotypical assumptions of men:
-All men are predators/sex offenders
-All men are homophobic
-All men are racist
-All men love football

Stereotypical assumptions of Americans:
-All Americans are obese
-All Americans are stupid
-All Americans have guns and shoot people

Stereotypical assumptions of lesbians:
-All lesbians have short hair
-All lesbians are tom boys/masculine
-All lesbians have LGBTQ+ flags
-All lesbians have dyed hair

Denotation: The exact, literal meaning of a word

Connotation: The unspoken, hidden meaning that gives a word more emotional impact

Ed Sheeran:
-Pop music because of the guitar and it isn't a rock guitar 
-Kind of average because his shirt is plain and has nothing on it
-His facial expression may show us that he is not a super happy person because he is not smiling 

Taylor Swift:
-The facial expression and the long white dress may resemble her innocence 
-The setting also helps towards the innocent look she portrays and could show that she lives by the woods
-The font could show her creativeness and could tell us that she wrote her own songs

50 cent:
-His clothes and jewellery could show that he is a rapper 
-The background could show that he is a bit of a gangster
-The tattoos could show that he is independent 

Age: 33 (Ben Thatcher) and 30 (Mike Kerr)
Gender: Males
Genre: Rock
Personality: All about rock 

The way they are dressed in this magazine cover could show that they are rock artists because they are wearing black and the black jackets they are wearing are made of leather. Their stance could show that they are tough and don't take any abuse from other people but it could be used in a jokey way especially the one on the right who is leant back quite a lot.

Monday 8th July


L/O: To review and reflect on the assessment and set personal targets.

Question 3

Representation- The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.

How have musicians been portrayed in this magazine?
These musicians have been made out to look amazing and spectacular. An example for this is having the person on the front cover (Ray Davies) in front of the masthead which shows that they are amazing and stick out. Also, the monochrome used in the front cover could show the seriousness this man means and what he is like as a person.

Question 4

-Explain one similarity between the two magazine covers and why they are different.
A similarity between the two music magazines is they both use media language. Examples for this is they both have subheadings, they both have a masthead, they both have sections of text etc. Although the colour palette may be drastically different, there is more than meets the eye in terms of genre conventions. 

-Explain one difference between the two covers and say why they are different
These two magazines at first look are completely different which is somewhat true. One clear difference is the use of colour palette because one magazine is dark, monochrome and not bright but the pop magazine is bright, pop-like, colourful and eye-catching. 

-Write a conclusion about how far the differences are due to genre conventions
As mentioned in the first answer, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Media language. It is very technical and if you look deep into both of the magazines, you can spot many differences and similarities but especially more similarities which may shock many people. Personally, I believe both the magazines are very equal in terms of differences and similarities which may surprise many but looking into the use of media language, they have many similarities.

Thursday 26th May

L/O: To explain how representations are constructed in music videos.

1) How does the video portray common gender stereotypes?

During the start of this music video, Beyoncé's character is shown as a stereotypical man. Evidence to back up this point could be that she is very independent and is shown as distant from her partner; her partner is shown as a stereotypical woman as he is very dependant, gentle and very emotional. However as the video goes on, we see the gender roles swapping and Beyoncé becomes the stereotypical woman in the relationship and her partner becomes the stereotypical man in the relationship and we discover that he is the actual policeman and she thought it all up.

2) How does Uptown Funk's music video represent gender?

Throughout the whole music video, we notice that every woman's face is cut out of frame which confirms gender representations. For example, all of the men have their faces in frame but none of the women do as it shows the men as being more 'superior' and it represents the women as objects to the men as they look at them inappropriately and think nothing of it. Finally, the men in this video seem to think they are more elite than woman in general and this video could apply to many men that look at women inappropriately without thinking about how women would feel to be objectified off of their looks and body parts. 

3) In Uptown Funk when the camera zooms in on a woman's legs, does this count as objectification and is this stereotypically a 'female role'?

In this music video and in general, this does count as objectification. The reason for this is that it does not show the woman for who she is, instead it just shows her body parts that men may find attractive and see them as objects. But, I do believe that this is a stereotypical 'female role' because in the media, it is shown everywhere but in real life, this is unacceptable as it is unwanted sexual attention aimed purely at the women.

What can we conclude from these screenshots?

From these screenshots in Uptown Funk, we see several angles of women that are sexualised such as a woman in high heels which only zooms in on her legs, a zoom in on a woman's torso and a woman's body minus her head. From the screenshot in If I Were A Boy, we see an image of Beyoncé's cleavage as she is just wearing a bra. 

Monday 6th June

Music Industry: The exam

L/O: To understand and exam style questions and practice exam technique.

Question 1:

This is a one word question and is just about your knowledge. It is likely to focus on industry or audiences.
For example, it could you:
Q: Who regulates radio in the UK?
A: Ofcom

Q: Who owns Radio 1?

Q: What is Public Service Broadcasting?
A: TV and radio programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment without trying to make a profit.

Q: What is the term meaning the merging of previously separate media forms in one entity?
A: Media convergence is merging (or joining together) of previously distinct media to create entirely new forms of communication expression.

Question 2:

In this question, you are expected to explain reasoning towards your answer (this question is worth 4 marks). 

Question 3:

This is also a knowledge and understanding questions worth 10 marks. You will be expected to back up your answers with evidence from the case study. 

Q3: Explain how and why producers of radio programmes target different audiences. Refer to the Radio 1 Live Lounge to support your answers.

What TWO things do you have to explain?
-How and Why!
What two types of stations should you mention? 
What could you say about the Live Lounge to support this?

-Public Service Broadcast, funded by the public
-Target audience ranges from 15-29 years old
-Music is current 
-Presenters are young 
-Informal language and slang to target the young audience "SICK!"

-What could you say about the representation created?
-What evidence could you use?
-How are they contrasting?
-What videos are you looking at?

Question 4:

This is also a knowledge and understanding question worth 5 marks. You will be expected to back up your answers with evidence rom the case study. 

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in your chosen music videos.

What TWO things do you have to explain?
-Identify and analyse 
-How are the representations clear?

Question 5:

How far is media language used differently in the extracts from Mojo and the other to reflect genre conventions?

In your answer, you must: 
-Analyse examples of how media language is used differently in the extracts.
-Make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more similarities due to genre conventions than differences in the extracts.

This will focus on representation or media language analysis. 
Contexts can be addressed in question 4 and 5 through the changes in gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism evident in the texts that you are studying.

Live Lounge

Slang: 'Bro', 'man'

-Straight in to the live music, less than a minute of chat- young people have a short attention span.
-Presenter is young, reflects the audience.
-Artist reflects the audience as young.
-Current artist and song to appeal to the younger audience.
-British artist-Supports British artists.
-Compliments the artist.
-Refer to the live lounge as an experience-relaxed being live, cover songs of interest.


  1. 22/2/21- Please complete the work from this lesson, if you require any help please let me know.

  2. 1/3/21- Please complete the research work for this lesson. If you require any help please let me know.

  3. 8/3/21- Please complete the work for lesson, if you require any support, just let me know.

    Well done!
    WWW - You've made some good points and used the structure well.
    EBI- Try linking the choices to the target audience too

    Good notes. Your paragraph is a great start.


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