
Showing posts from 2019

Photoshop Assessment Task

16/12/19 L/O: To create an effective film poster that uses accurate genre conventions and layout elements. Photoshop Task - Create a film poster for a new Christmas film. -It must have at least one person in it and contain all the elements a typical promotional film poster would have. List all the information a film poster should contain. -Age restrictions -Title -Quote -Tag line - WWW: I made a film poster that is Christmas related EBI: I could have cut out the 18+ picture and 

Geometric Portrait

12/12/19 L/O: To explore using geometric patterns


L/O: To create a realistic green screened clip using iMovie.  CGI- Computer Generated Image. What is included under special effects? Types of effects  that are commonly used include : flying effects , laser lighting, theatrical smoke and fog, CO 2  effects , and pyrotechnics. Other atmospheric effects  can include  flame, confetti, bubbles, and snow

Trailers and Genre

02/12/19 L/O: To explore the different features of iMovie and experiment with different genre features. Verbal Feedback My feedback from the class and the teacher was that it was decent but i could slow down the clip including some of the subtitles. On the plus side, i got a little round of an applause from my classmates and i felt sort of proud of my trailer.

Photoshop Skills Development Task

L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in Photoshop                                                 14/11/19 Im making a horror poster.

Photoshop Skills Development Task

L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in photoshop.                                               11/11/19

Zombie Workshop

28/10/19 L/O: To refine and develop skills using photoshop.  This is my 2nd zombie photo i made on photoshop.                                                                                                  This is my 1st zombie photo i made on                                                                                                  photoshop. WWW: I made a zombie that looks ok and I've tried to blend it in to make it look like its natural. EBI: I haven't made it look very real and it looks very weird. I attempted a paint splatter and it didn't go to plan but it doesn't look too bad but it could have been a lot better.

Photoshop: Creative Technique

L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in Photoshop. Colour Popping Fade Word Layer Mask

Skill development: Photoshop

L/O: To understand the basic skills required for successful use of Photoshop. I think I did well for my first photoshop but it looks scrappy and as if somebody cut something out and stuck kit on a background. But, I found this hilarious and lots of fun!

Theoretical Framework

L/O: To apply the theoretical framework media texts. What is the Theoretical Framework? Four major concepts, or ideas, which form the basis of the subject content : Media Language  Media Institutions  Media Audiences Media Representative Media Language  This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the messages conveyed. It includes: Camerawork (Cinematography) Soundtrack Mise-en-scene Editing  Soundtrack Includes ALL sounds heard in a film/TV: Music Sound Effects Dialogue Voiceover   Mise-en-scene includes everything that can be seen in a frame: Costume Props Setting Hair and Make up Lighting Actor positioning  Body language and facial expression  Editing Includes all the POST PRODUCTION work on a moving image: Transitions Pace and speed of cuts  CGI Green screening  Group 4 (Mise-en-scene): The joker wears a lot of makeup  Certain stages there is natural lighting from outside  Joker wears multi-col

What is Media?

Thursday 12th September L/O: To discuss what Media is and how it impacts our lives Definition of Media: "The main means of mass communication". Different types of Media: Social Media  Newspapers Television Radio Magazines Podcast Film Posters Apps Email Blogs But, the main purpose of Media is to make money. Media Influence Some adverts may say "If you wear this bag to school you will be the coolest kid at school". If an idol/celebrity is wearing a piece of clothing, some people may be influenced to buy it. If a celebrity says/does something people will copy them. The news may influence you to believe in fake news which leads to potential world problems such as riots, protests and potential street fighting. Is entertainment the main purpose of Media? I believe the main reason of Media is money. Some people may disagree on this because people enjoy and believe most of the stories on the Media and some may say that it is fo

Hi, welcome to my Media Blog.

These are a few of my favourite topics: Films: Most of the nightmare on Elm Street films and horror in general. TV Shows: Pingu, Peaky Blinders, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air and Top Boy. Video Games: Black Ops 3, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rainbow six siege  and Club Penguin. Magazines: I don't tend to read magazines but when i was younger, I use to read magazines about video games.  Radio Stations: I rarely listen to the radio but if I was to listen to it I would listen to Radio 1 or Heart. Newspaper: I don't read the newspaper but if I was to pick one I would pick the North Cornwall Advertiser because I work for them. Social Networks: I tend to use Instagram the most mainly to text my friends but i use Facebook and Snapchat as well.